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    are olives vegetables or fruit I_icon_minitime20/12/22, 03:49 pm
    المشاركة رقم:
    نائب المدير العام
    نائب المدير العام

    salma amir

    إحصائية العضو

    الدولة : مصر
    الجنس : انثى
    عدد المساهمات : 546
    نقاط : 13503
    السٌّمعَة : 5
    تاريخ التسجيل : 02/04/2022
    العمر : 31
    مُساهمةموضوع: are olives vegetables or fruit

    are olives vegetables or fruit

    Are olives vegetables or fruits? Many ask if olives are a fruit or a berry. What is this plant? We will talk about these and other topics in today's article are vegetable olives.

    European olive or olive tree – subtropical evergreen tree. The plant belongs to the genus Olea of the Olive family (Oleaceae). Since ancient times it has been cultivated for the production of olive oil, which is not found in nature are olives vegetables or fruit.

    are the olives vegetables

    Are olives a fruit, a vegetable or a berry? They are vegetable olives, olives are the fruits of the olive tree, black olives. They are the ripe fruits taken from the branch at the end of the season. Green olives are generally harvested unripe.

    A lot of time has passed about the dangers and benefits of olives. We always buy canned olives, the harm and benefit of which depend on a variety of additives, which can be artificial. However, these fruits have valuable qualities.

    The benefits  are olives vegetables or fruit

    • Why do many people ask: are olives a fruit or a berry? Yes, because it is a very useful fruit.

    • They improve the activity of the blood vessels and the heart and strengthen the mucosa and cell membranes.

    • Olives are beneficial for the health of the stomach and liver.

    • Olives are used in many industries and treatments for the human person, and this is what largely distinguishes olives.

    • Are the olives vegetables? Is there evidence of the beneficial effects of olives in the body during pregnancy?

    • They help to normalize the level of sodium salts and hemoglobin, the deficiency of which is observed in pregnant women.

    Olives are mentioned to be used in cosmetics, food, and many different treatments, such as Alzheimer's and aging. Since time immemorial, olives are vegetables. This product is considered an aphrodisiac, which has a healing effect on men's health. Contains linoleic acid, which contributes to the proper development of the nervous system of children


    • Since olives are either a fruit or a berry, let's consider the beneficial properties of pitted olives.

    • In traditional medicine, they are used to treat joints.

    • The bones are crushed, the olives and greens are added to the melted wax, placed on a heating pad and the diseased areas are heated.

    However, in addition to their healing qualities, olives have some contraindications. Therefore, in order not to harm health, with overweight and cholecystitis, it is necessary to limit the use of this fruit. The energy value is high because 100 g of olives are 145 kcal

    culinary art

    • It is not worth getting confused by the fact that olives are a fruit or a berry. It is best to find out where these delicious fruits are applied. In the kitchen, olives are used continuously.

    • Mostly, they are served as a garnish for dishes and as an independent snack, they are vegetable olives, although they are usually added to soups and salads. And cook them for bright spicy notes.


    • Olive: fruit that came to us from the Mediterranean. In our country, green fruits are called olives, and black - as already mentioned above.

    • In fact, there is no such thing as an “olive” fruit! Olives on our planet have only one name - "olive".

    • The fruits of the olive tree are those that fall, they are vegetable olives, and for this reason they are usually called berries. Because of the way it is used, it can be both vegetables and fruits  are olives vegetables or fruit.

    • If it is in the composition of the salad, then it is a vegetable. If eaten fresh, it is a fruit.

    So, we already figured out that olives are a berry. The Mediterranean olive tree is considered immortal. It grows very slowly, but lives for about 2.5 thousand years, and its fruits are provided to the body by innumerable useful and necessary substances: iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins of groups B, C, E, etc. Doctors mention olives. for being easy to digest and beneficial for the body to a great extent.

    The olive trees are usually six meters high, but sometimes you can find trees twice as tall. They are vegetable olives. During flowering, this wonderful fragrance is released. Oliva can be fertile and useful only after reaching the age of twenty.

    In this classification, berries are classified as fruits. It is well known that the stem of the olive tree is not herbaceous, so it is clearly not a vegetable. In fact, fruits such as cherries, raspberries, plums, nuts are drops. The olive appears to be a stone fruit, not a berry.

    But still, it turns out that berries and drupes are fruits. So the olive is a fruit. Of course, it is more correct to assume that olives are vegetables, fruits and berries in one person. However, many people claim that olives are olives!

    توقيع : salma amir

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